Firefly was a unique space opera, that blended traditional science fiction with elements of a western. It takes it's title from the Firefly-Class ship Serenity, which actually looks like a very big insect. If the show is starting to sound weird, it is, but it's also great. Firefly was only on the air one season, but since cancellation it has developed a huge cult following and even a spinoff movie appropriately titled Serenity. When it was cancelled, only 11 of the 14 episodes produced had aired. By buying the DVD set you get to see all 14 episodes. At around $20, you can't go wrong with this box-set.

Another victim of unjust cancellation, Arrested Development was probably one of the smartest, funniest comedies on television. It followed Michael Bluth (Jason Bateman) and his attempts to keep his formerly rich, highly dysfunctional family from self-imploding. This show pioneered the no-laugh track documentary-ish style found in other shows like The Office and 30 Rock. The show is best seen in chronological order starting from episode #1 to really appreciate the arcing storylines and continuing jokes. If you haven't seen the show, now's the time to get the backstory before the recently announced movie is launched.

A plane flight goes down on a remote tropical island in the pacific. Many people mysteriously walk away from the crash with no injuries and find they're on an island with polar bears, smoke monsters and a giant 4 toed foot statue. Lost's style of giving more questions than answers every episode can be hard even for the most devoted of fans to keep straight. Being able to watch multiple episodes back to back helps things out considerably. This might be one box-set to buy when the entire series is done though, because it's probably not going to be until the very last episode that were going to have all the answers. Pick this one up in Blu-Ray for the absolute best experience.

Ok, you don't have to be a geek to enjoy the NBC version of The Office, but you can definitely be a little geekier by having watched the entire original British Series. The first episode alone is almost scene by scene identical to the US version, so it's neat way to see the British versions of Pam, Dwight, Micheal and the rest of the gang. Rest assured, as the series goes on, it's quite a bit different (in a good way) than the domestic version. It's a great way to introduce yourself into the world of British sitcoms. The BBC takes a quality over quantity approach so even though the entire series ran for 2 seasons, only 14 episodes (of various lengths) were produced, It's a great way to spend a rainy weekend.

This one isn't going to be cheap, but you really can't call yourself a geek without picking up every star trek boxed set there is. Relive Captain Picard's constant violations of the prime directive. Watch Janeway's captain skills increase as her hair gets better. Find out what really was so troublesome about those Tribbles. Put on Deep Space 9 and then change the channel to watch something better. One top of the classics there's also the original animated series, Enterprise all the movies, and the documentaries Trekkies 1 and 2 to get. Note: This website is not responsible for your failure to pay rent as a result of acquiring all episodes of star trek ever made.
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