Finetune is a very cool site that allows you to choose from 2+ million songs to create custom playlists. You can play these playlists from any computer with internet access. There's nothing to download (the webplayer is Flash-based), the songs are CD-quality, and it's free! The only downside is you can't choose the order in which the songs in your playlist appear, but you can skip curently playing songs and make as many playlists as you want. Finetune calls it the evolution of the mixed tape, but I like to think of it as an internet iPod stuck on shuffle. The best advice is to use the main website to setup your playlists, then play them using the Wii-version for an ultra sleek and simple ad-free interface.
Website: www.finetune.com
Wii Version: www.finetune.com/wii

Cha Cha allows you to submit any question, and have a real person go out on the web and find the answer. You can submit a question via their website, SMS or even a their toll free number (1-800-2chacha). The answer is then sent as a text message back to your mobile phone. The service is free, and anyone can also join the team and be paid to answer other people's submitted questions. This obviously means there is a wide variety in the quality of answers, but if you've ever tried to use Google on your cell phone when out and about, you know the potential convenience of being able to call someone else and have them do the search.
Website: www.chacha.com

Ever wanted to know if people could pick a superpower what they would choose? Or what people's favorite kind of cheese is? These silly questions (and some serious ones) can be answered by ask 500 people. Just like it sounds, anyone can post a question, where it will be queued up and asked to 500 people on the website and "hundreds websites across the internet". Now, the results aren't exactly scientific, and because the service is in beta it's more like you'll ask 200 people. Nevertheless, this is a very cool (and once again free) service that can be a fun way ask questions and get your opinions out there.
Website: www.ask500people.com

A pioneer of "crowdsourcing", Amazon Mechanical Turk takes those tasks which computers aren't really good at yet (ie. telling if two products are duplicates, or writing short product reviews) and connects them to internet users who are willing to complete them for money. Now, most tasks (called HITs for Human Intelligence Task) only pay a few pennies each, but most also don't take more than a minute to complete. Volume processing is the key to making any significant money while "turking". Some people have made hundreds of dollars, while others just find it too boring. Nevertheless, if you can find tasks you like, Mechanical Turk is one of the few legit ways to reliably make money on the internet.
Website: www.mturk.com

If you've downloaded all your pictures off your digital camera, you probably have a lot of filenames with titles like "dcm_10010" or other equally as descriptive titles. The solution is to upload photos to tagcow (or interface with its flicker widget), where the photos are magically processed and tags are added like "man", "child eating spaghetti", "disneyland", or whatever else appears in the photo. It isn't really magic, as the work is done by paid users on Amazon Mechanical Turk (see #4). The service is free to you though, and there's no limit to how many photos can be uploaded. Just keep in mind, anyone can sign up for Mechanical Turk, so make sure you're okay with strangers seeing your pictures. We wouldn't want that embarrassing photo of you at last years Christmas party slipping out now would we?
Website: www.tagcow.com
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